Sunday, March 16, 2008

Report on Digital Marketing and Internet Penetration in APAC

For a start, I'm sharing a very interesting finding with all of you. It is known as the most comprehensive set of data and insight for digital marketing for Asia Pacific available in one place. I have found this report very interesting and some quite surprising findings as well. It definitely gave me a good understanding of the APAC market.

You can download at pdf file at

As China's internet population is increasing tremendously, there leaves alot of undeveloped markets and potentials in this huge and ready untapped consumers. As compared to countries like Singapore and Hong Kong, which are relatively small in size, digital marketing makes less money sense in reaching out to the small population as compared to print media. As seen in the report, print and TV are still the primary and preferred source of information in these two places. However in China, there seem to be a steady increase of importance for information disseminated through the internet, and growing as the primary choice for interest such as entertainment.

However, despite the growing trend and potential of digital marketing, and it creating so much hype in and around the world, internet is still not considered as the deciding medium for making a purchase, or creating awareness. Is digital marketing really just being overly hyped or is it because it's unrealised.

Needless to say, and without denial. Web 2.0 has brought about much changes in to our modern lifes. Just as I am writing to you here, it is only possible with the rise of the 2.0 generation. However, just how much influence has it made to the way we think, behave and live? These are points for ponder.

Most people are too eager to jump on the wagon (probably including myself), without understanding the true influence and effectiveness. Thus, truck loads of money are thrown into this pool without seeing any returns on the dollar. This has caused alot of doubts many corporations may have on digital marketing. Everyone knows it's important (and expensive), but it just doesn't provides the KPI and desired awareness as compared to the old ole measurable traditional media. So what went wrong?

Well, the fact that the internet savvy are largely made up between 18 - 35, we are talking to a group of consumers who changes very quickly and more often than not, make up the trends we see on the streets. However, these people are getting too smart for "in your face" advertisements, and overwhelmed with so many infinite creatives and attempts to reach their interest, the borderless internet makes it hard to capture a definite number of these people. Your campaign can turn to nothing, or it can also become the next big thing. No most successful marketeer is able to swear by any KPI to measure internet success. It is only as big as it can get. Also, corporation objectives should be very precise. We must first understand that this is not the best and most effective channel for making a sales difference to your product. However, internet has a very effective multiplying and influencing effect which can travel on and on beyond your core campaign period. In this context, it makes thorough money sense. But it's not everyday you come face to face with such effective marketing stints.

With shrunk advertising dollars, it is not surprising that most coporations put sales as top of the list objective. And so, they must be careful with choosing a viable and measurable markerting medium that will translate into income at the end of the day. They should first realise that digital marketing is not for everyone. What's trendy doesn't mean it is effective. It is only effective when you ultilize its possibilities. Without a clear objective and business direction in mind, the most creative ads will still fail you. My suggestion is, keep to one primary objective. The problem with many Marcomm departments is that they try to do too much with the same dollar.

Remember, if you are a hotdog kiosk, don't attempt to reach the same group of people as Macdonalds. It's gonna flop.

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